A.) Study every night for 30 minutes a night up till the day of the test
B.) Study just in class sessions taking notes hoping to understand the information
C.) Study the night before the test and pull an all nighter to study
D.) Just flat out not study at all and hope you can remember the lectures from before
Now as a college student what's the reasonable choice?! It cant be choice "A" because almost every students middle name should be "PROCRASTINATION", so that is out of the question. Choice "D" also might not be a good idea because there is always information on the test that you learned a month ago and probably forgot about right after you left the classroom that day, so that too is out of the question. Now you're left with choice B and C. Yea with "B" you're still taking notes, but if the test is not open notes, then what good are the notes but no studying going to do?! That leaves you with choice "C", and you know what C stands for?! CHAMPION!
Being a college freshman for approximately 3 months now, I have learned something about myself. Yes I procrastinate, who doesn't...honestly...?, but I've learned that I am a cram studier, and that I do better under pressure. Lately with my tests I have been staying up the night before the test and studying and doing little study tricks that will help me remember the information, and I have surprisingly done better on my test, speech, and paper grades than earlier in the semester. Now I know its not the most reasonable, smart, or healthy choice for me, but if it works then why stop?! Just saying... Although this method works I do not know how many more all-nighters I can pull. Yes I am a teenager, and yes I have bundles of energy, but I sure do love sleeping in my cold dorm room on my comfortable bed nice and warm under my power rangers comforter.
If you were put in that scenario and had to choose one of the 4 choices which one would you honestly choose?! Would you be the "perfect" student and study a little bit each night? Would you take notes and hope that you'll remember the information? Stay up all night? Or completely forget about the test and just wing it when the test arrives?!
Just some food for thought.
Happy Friday! ---- 4.5 more days until Thanksgiving break! ((including today))
With my most sincere regards,
Alex " LASTS ALL NIGHT " DeFreeuw
I was truly entertained by this blog post. :-)