Friday, November 6, 2009

"Oh the places you'll go"

This week has been an interesting one... Since I was sick half of last week and missed my classes on my Thursday, Monday, and Tuesday classes due to being sick I had some catching up to do. Now you would think that in college missing 3 full days of school would mean that I would have an unbearable amount to catch up on. Thankfully, that wasn't the case here. In the college you have a lot of papers. Those papers take time. In turn, you get class time to work on them. Luckily for me, in two of my classes we were working on writing a paper, and our speeches. For my english class we had to write a paper about a magazine ad of our choice and how it relates to americas society. Then we had to describe the ad as if we were telling someone who could not see it and tell them the characteristics of the people, product, surroundings, whatever it may be. Then in the end we had to explain whether we were convinced enough by the ad to want to go out and buy the product.
My ad was for Downy fabric softener and in short there is a couple in their kitchen having a romantic dinner in their house, and the ad is saying how the smell of the softener can bring out your alluring side, and make people want to embrace you. Personally, i was not convinced by the ad to want to go out and buy it. I would much rather stick with the detergent and softener that I've been using since I can remember. I like how I smell :) haha
For my comm210 class I have to do an informative speech, and I decided to do my speech on the University of Notre Dame. I feel that I know enough about the University and that if I can find ways to spice the speech up, people might actually like hearing about it. Even some Michigan and Ohio State fans as well!
As I said earlier, while I was absent I only missed days where the class spent time working on their individual papers and speeches, which I was able to do once I got back to campus.

All in all, the past week back at school hasn't been too bad of a week. Yea I've had my rough patches and had to make up 2 tests, but its college... I wont really complain about it because I know that I could have it completely worse than I have it.

I haven't figured out a downfall of the week yet though, which is a good thing!

"If you believe in yourself and believe you can do something, then you can do anything if you put your mind to it."

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