Friday, November 27, 2009

The 3 things

For an official and successful McGrath Family Thanksgiving you need 3 things. Those things are:
1.) Friday night lasagna
2.) B-Dubs with the older cousins on Friday
3.) and Football.

Without those three things you can not pull off a successful Thanksgiving. Ask anyone in the McGrath family tree and they would agree.

- It is a tradition in our family to have a lasagna and spinach salad dinner the Friday after Thanksgiving after everyone has gone shopping, after the High school and older cousins have gotten back from the Buffalo Wild Wings and after everyone is done stuffing themselves already from earlier in the day. My grandma spends all day preparing the meal while everyone else sits back and enjoys the company of each other.
- The other new tradition that has been started is the "High School+ cousin's trip to B-Dubs", for all of you that do not know B-dubs is formally called Buffalo Wild Wings, aka BWW, aka BW3, whatever you want to call it. Every friday for the past 3 years there has been an Ohio University football game, and since 3 of the McGraths went to that school for college, we have gone to B-dubs to watch them play football, along with any other big games. this is just a way for the cousins to get out of the house, relax with one another, play "family-friendly" trivia, and tell jokes the whole time.
- What is Thanksgiving without football?! Whether it be playing or watching there is always football involved in this family gathering. We have one family that is from Detroit, Michigan area so they are Detroit Lions football fans. The Lions have signed a contract saying that they will always play a game on Thanksgiving, so the big family always tunes into that game to watch them play, and most likely lose. They have won a few, but for the most part they haven't really been too successful. Again, there is the Ohio University football game, and then the Dallas Cowboys games that we always tune into.

Thats just a little bit of how the McGrath Family Thanksgivings role in these parts of town.
This year in Pittsburgh has been a lot of fun celebrating with everyone, and really the 6.5-7 hour drive wasnt that bad, slept most of the way.
Next year is at our house which is that much better because that means that much less traveling we have to do. We just have to get everything prepared and ready. Should be fun!

Maybe my slacker sister will be able to make it next year unlike this time. She says she's been traveling too much, I say she's just lazy and doesnt love us! :(
we'll see... wont get my hopes up on that one considering i'm not her favorite brother anymore because I responded last to a text message she sent out to my brother and I. I see how she rolls...

Hope everyone had a good holiday break. I'm headed back to Funcie on Sunday night right after I visit my best friend in Columbus, Indiana. Yes Columbus, the same place I almost got lost coming back from, if you've been paying attention to my blogs! Should be fun!

Go Penguins
Go Bobcats
Go Colts

Peace. Love. and Turkey.

-Alexander Jordan DeFreeuw

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Way to call me out on this one. No wonder you came in second place in the "Who is my favorite brother text message race" game- because you talk so poorly of me! Boo to you!

    I'm really sad I missed Thanksgiving though. Your last few posts have really rubbed that in for me.
